The Next Generation ADVOS BK300

A New Era in the Extracorporeal Blood Purification

The new generation ADVOS BK300 is a unique platform that enables a comprehensive range of fully integrated extracorporeal blood purification therapies with a treatment duration of up to 72 hours (RRT - Renal Replacement Therapy).

The therapy can be flexibly adjusted: Depending on the parameter settings and the disposable set used, it can be targeted at one or more lead organs or adapted to one or more therapy goals.

The user can choose between two therapy modes:

  1. ADVOS multi Therapy
    Therapy for the removal of protein-bound and/or water-soluble substances and/or acidosis correction, e.g., in patients with liver failure, kidney failure, acidosis, multi-organ failure, intoxication or severe shock.
    for the standard renal replacement therapy.
ADVOS BK300 - Brochure (pdf)

The Innovative ADVOS BK300 Offers:

  • Holistic therapeutic approach in the extracorporeal blood purification
  • Individually adjustable settings for targeted removal of water-soluble and protein-bound substances
  • Unique acidosis therapy for targeted correction of acid-base disorders
  • Flexible anticoagulation options: regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) available in all therapy modes
  • One-of-a-kind recirculation circuit: effective blood detoxification during the entire treatment period through continuous regeneration of the recirculating dialysate
  • Low invasive procedure: blood access using conventional dialysis catheter and low blood flow rates

Contact us and find out more about the ADVOS BK300

Tobias Bingold

Tobias Bingold
PD Dr. med. Dr. med. habil.
Chief Medical Officer

Contact us


Unique Fluid-Based Acidosis Correction

The ADVOS procedure enables physiological and fluid-based removal of H + ions and CO₂ for the treatment of metabolic and respiratory acidosis.

Acidosis therapy is effectively tailored to each patient‘s needs by precisely adjusting the pH value and bicarbonate content of the dialysate.

ADVOS BK300 enables a scalable acidosis correction through:

  • pH management using dedicated ADVOS concentrates (acid and base)
  • Variably adjustable bicarbonate levels of the dialysate during the therapy


ADVOS RRT: Renal Replacement Therapy in the ICU redefined:

Individual clearance depending on each patient’s needs and course of treatment

The ADVOS BK300 provides a comprehensive solution in the treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI). From intermittent dialysis (iHD, SLED) to continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), it covers the entire spectrum of dialysis procedures in a single device and setup. Thanks to the adjustable settings for blood, dialysate, and concentrate flow rates, the ADVOS BK300 offers optimal flexibility for every patient.

ADVOS RRT Advantages:

  • Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) possible throughout the entire dialysis spectrum
  • Metabolic alkalosis can be prevented by flexible bicarbonate adjustment
  • Treatment duration up to 72 hours possible
  • No need for therapy fluid exchange over 24 hours made possible by optimized configuration of all dialysis fluids
  • Sustainable water supply with optimized fluid management based on 80 liter container concept

Enhanced Usabilty:

Device Interactions Minimized to Maximize Workflow Efficiency in the ICU

Structured Workflows
Flawless arrangement of tubing lines by color-coded system

Ergonomic Handling
Streamlined fluid container and device management

ADVOS BK300 - Brochure (pdf)

Quick Set-Up and Intuitive Operation
with the help of integrated graphic instructions

Simply Structured Monitoring of the User Interface
Traffic light system for quick status checks

Contact us and find out more about the ADVOS BK300

Tobias Bingold

Tobias Bingold
PD Dr. med. Dr. med. habil.
Chief Medical Officer

Contact us


Optimized Permeate and Filtrate Management

  • Compact design:
    Integrated 80 liter container saves storage space and eliminates the need to change fluid bags during treatment.
  • Efficient water supply:
    It takes less than 3 minutes to fill the fluid container using a dedicated reverse osmosis system ADVOS Aqua ensuring the highest standard of water quality.
  • Maximum flexibility:
    Application in any hospital unit possible

ADVOS multi Procedure

Individually Tailored Therapy For Patients With an Indication For Multi-Organ Support


Removal of protein-bound toxins


Fluid-based CO2 removal in a low-invasive setting


Removal of water-soluble and protein-bound nephrotoxins

Blood pH

Correction of metabolic and respiratory acidosis

More about the ADVOS therapy

Your inquiry

Phone: +49 89 411 18 42 00
Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1
80992 Munich

Contact us

Are you interested in the ADVOS BK300 and need more information? Make an appointment for a personal consultation.

Contact Form

ADVITOS and ADVOS procedure

You can find more information about the procedure and ADVITOS on our homepage:

NOTE: The product is currently undergoing a conformity assessment acc. to the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/45 (EU) and is pending CE-marking prior market introduction.